Stimulus Connect 10 & 11: Impact of the Pandemic on People Who Use Drugs
March 24, 2021

Canada was experiencing a massive wave of overdoses, but with 2020 came the COVID-19 pandemic which made unprecedented impact on people’s lives. There are changes to the illegal drug market and even higher rates of overdoses, changes to income and material security and the lack of ability to physically distance. People are living through reduced access to technology and services, and feeling increased isolation, criminalization and homelessness. COVID-19 has brought Canada pandemic prescribing and specialized shelters instead of the needed safe supply and permanent housing.

Public health in Canada responded dramatically to the COVID-19 crisis and not the overdose crisis. Join us for the Impact of the Pandemic on People Who Use Drugs: Part 2 as we connect.

If you are not bilingual you may find value in accessing this alternative audio recording of the simultaneous interpretation. This recording is 16 seconds (0.16) earlier than the video.

(Part 1, February 18)

If you are not bilingual you may find value in accessing this alternative audio recording of the simultaneous interpretation. This recording is 17 seconds (0.17) earlier than the video.

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